Frequently asked questions.

Please find below some frequently asked questions, and accompanying summary answers, to help guide your experience when ordering from Doughmestic Bakery, LLC (“Doughmestic Bakery”, “we”, or “us”). The below summary answers are not meant to be illustrative, not comprehensive, and are qualified in their entirety by the policies of Doughmestic Bakery as contained on the “Policies” page of this Site. Should you have any further questions not addressed below please feel free to contact us by email at or by phone at (858) 848-5539 and we will try to find you an answer.

How much are your cookies?

Custom cookies start at $50/dozen (1 dozen minimum - same theme) for regular sized cookies. Adding more than three colors, airbrushing, a lot of writing, intricate designs, metallic, etc will raise the price of cookies. Mini cookies start at $30/dozen (4 dozen minimum - same theme). When filling out the custom order request form (under “Contact”) please be specific so Doughmestic Bakery can give you an accurate idea of the cost. Please check Doughmestic Bakery availability and then fill out an order request form to get specific pricing for what you'd like. If Doughmestic Bakery is able to take a last minute order (less than two weeks before pick up date) there is a 35% rush fee for the order.

All cookies must be paid in full in order to be placed on my calendar.

How far in advance should I order?

It’s never too early to book your order! As of now, Doughmestic Bakery is currently booking 2-3 months out depending on the time of year with holiday pre-sale cookies and other custom orders Doughmestic Bakery has. Custom cookies require a lot of time and planning!

How do your cookies come packaged?

Cookies are individually sealed in clear cellophane bags and come packaged in a large window box. If you'd like cookies wrapped as favors with bakers twine or ribbons/bows there is a charge of $12 per dozen bags.

What flavors do you offer?

Doughmestic Bakery a vanilla sugar cookie. Doughmestic Bakery is unable to offer a gluten free option at this time.

Where are your cookies baked?

All cookies sold on this Site by Doughmestic Bakery are made in a home kitchen and sold pursuant to the California Homemade Food Act of 2012. As such, you are advised that (i) this home kitchen has not been inspected by any state or local health authority (as allowed under California law) and (ii) the cookies produced in this kitchen are made with food allergens including, but not limited to dairy, nuts, eggs, soy, and gluten. Doughmestic Bakery thus cannot guarantee zero cross-contamination with other food allergens, and affirmatively disclaims any and all liability for costs, bills, charges, or damages (whether consequential, punitive or otherwise) incurred by you in connection with any exposure by you to any food allergens.

Do you make character or logo cookies?

In accordance with U.S. Copyright law, Doughmestic Bakery will not bake any cookies that (i) contain a third-party’s original work of authorship (including any derivative works) (“Copyrighted Works”) or (ii) bear the name, likeness, trademark, or other identifying characteristic (“Marks”) of any third-party that has not affirmatively consented in writing to allow for such Copyrighted Works and/or Marks, as applicable, to be included in cookies baked by Doughmestic Bakery. If Doughmestic Bakery determines, in its sole discretion, that a cookie order could be deemed to violate U.S. Copyright law, then the order will be cancelled for a full refund (including after an order has been placed).

Last updated August 18, 2024.